

With the note worthy news about Mark Foley-Republican Congressman sending young teens sexually explicit electronic messages. Also that he personally was the co-chair of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Canucus. It leaves me stunned as to what is going on out there is the world. I had thought it through at the time I read about it in the paper. Then again when I was watching The View today and the subject was discussed. In my mind I realize how trouble this is but I had a real awakening when I was surfing the web tonight. All these years of being on the Internet surfing, chatting and now blogging I heard about child pornography. As I was randomly surfing blogs tonight there it was for the first time in my life the most horrifying site I had ever seen. It was a random blog that I just happened to hit on.....as I write this my mind is spinning....I just don't know how to say it....I am close to tears thinking about it....I thought I had a open mind about world happenings and the sickooooosssss out there....I guess I don't

The image of a little girl about 9 or 10 naked. I wasn't sure at first how to react so in disbelief I scrolled down the page...it only got worst
little children in sexual acts with an adult male and eventually an adult women.
I sat there stunned and then I went numb....I didn't know what to do I felt angered and confused. With Dennis being away I had one one to tell or even ask what to do, so I reacted the only way my mind would handle it at the moment. On the tool bar some of the blogs have the option to tell the owner the content is unacceptable by clicking the button......so I did and then I quickly clicked the selection to take me to the next random blog I clicked it over and over and over again to get far away from it as I could.

Now I sit here two hours later still sick over what I saw and thinking to myself I wish I knew how to report this to someone. Who do I tell....

1 comment:

Kati said...

How horrifying! I wouldn't know what to do, right off the bat, either. A few years ago a similar incident happened to me, except that it was a pop-up window. Nothing I did would get if off my screen though, short of shutting down the whole computer! Can you imagine? It wasn't even pedophilia, but I didn't want it and couldn't get rid of it! Any way you could 'retrace' your steps to find the pathway you took and then report it to the police? and google(if it was a google/blogger site)?